
Blues, Half Blues, Cross Country, Marathon, Relay and Field Event Colours, Alverstone, Centipedes, Alligators and Millipedes representatives, and a limited number of other athletes recommended by the University Presidents, are invited to join the Achilles Club.

Those eligible can complete the membership form on this page.

For further information, please contact the Membership Secretary:

Membership Form

  I am happy to be contacted by email in relation to upcoming club events, such as dinners, competitions (e.g. Varsity match), Tours, club kit sales, and special reunion events.
  I am happy to be contacted by phone in relation to management of my Achilles membership and other contact details.
  I am happy to to be contacted by phone by competition team managers or tour managers for the purposes of team / tour management.

  I declare that I am an amateur according to the current UKA definitions.
  I understand that the details on this form will be included on the Achilles Club Membership Database.
  I accept membership of the Achilles Club and agree to pay the required annual subscriptions (currently £25 p.a., but reduced to £10 p.a. for undergraduates and other students in full-time education) for as long as I remain a member. I understand that a recurring annual payment will be made by card, using the Stripe payment processing system, and that Stripe will securely hold on file details of my chosen payment method to facilitate that (a reminder will be sent to the email address given above in advance of each annual renewal charge being made). I have read and understand the EA/UKA Code

  I have read and agree to the Achilles Club policies, including those relating to privacy, diversity, safeguarding, and anti-doping.